Los Andes Workshop on Economics of Education 2023

Workshop on Economics of Education 2023

Valle Nevado, Chile. 15-18 August, 2023

Keynote speakers

Josh     Josh Angrist

Josh is the Ford Professor of Economics at MIT. He shared half of the 2021 Nobel in Economic Sciences for his pioneering research in natural experiments. More about Josh Angrist
Chris     Chris Neilson
Chris is a Professor of Economics and Global Affairs at Yale University. His work focuses on education markets and policies in Latin America. More about Chris Neilson


The workshop is organized by the Human Development Lab of the Universidad de los Andes, Chile. It aims to bring together around 20 leading experts in Economics of Education to discuss their research and recent developments in the field. The workshop is organized over three days and, in addition to formal academic sessions, it offers group activities and a relaxed environment to facilitate informal interactions among participants.


Valle Nevado is a world-class ski resort located 60 minutes away from Santiago. It offers access to the largest ski domain in South America and has pistes for all ski levels. The workshop will take place in the Hotel Puerta del Sol, where special-rate rooms have been reserved for participants.


  • Briana Ballis (UC Merced)
  • Magdalena Bennet (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Zachary Bleemer (Princeton University)
  • Emilio Borghesan (Princeton University, University of Michigan)
  • Guillermo Cruces (Universidad Nacional de la Plata)
  • Aaron Hedlund (Purdue University)
  • Adam Kapor (Princeton University)
  • Benedetta Lerva (World Bank)
  • María Lombardi (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella)
  • Carolina Lopez (Harvard University)
  • Ursula Mello (PUC, Río de Janeiro)
  • José Monalbán (SOFI)
  • Versall Nourani (University of Chicago)
  • Patrick Turner (Notre Dame University)
  • Jonathan Smith (Georgia State University)
  • Susan Parker (University of Maryland)

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