Lab Researcher at Harvard Center for International Development

Lab Researcher at Harvard Center for International Development

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Lab Researcher at Harvard Center for International Development

Isabela Munevar, associate researcher at the Human Development Lab, is currently doing a postdoc at the Center for International Development at Harvard, collaborating with Professor Asim Khwaja and Juan E. Saavedra on the Education Initiative in Colombia. She will join the Faculty of Economics and Business as an Assistant Professor starting in July 2025.

Isabela recently completed a PhD from the Teachers College at Columbia University and previously obtained a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Economics from the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. Her work focuses on issues related to learning and school effectiveness in Chile and Colombia. She recently published a study titled “The Impact of Decentralized Decision-Making on Student Outcomes and Teacher Quality: Evidence from Colombia” in World Development.

The Postdoc

Isabela is currently pursuing postdoctoral studies at the Center for International Development at Harvard, collaborating with Professor Asim Khwaja and Juan E. Saavedra on the Education Initiative in Colombia. As part of this postdoctoral research, Isabella continues developing the research projects she started during her PhD, in addition to promoting new initiatives with her new colleagues.

You can learn more about Isabela’s work on her website

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